I Want to Use the Condition UNION IF EXISTS with a Table Referred with {{this}} in Snowflake SQL
Image by Kordelia - hkhazo.biz.id

I Want to Use the Condition UNION IF EXISTS with a Table Referred with {{this}} in Snowflake SQL

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Are you trying to use the UNION IF EXISTS condition in Snowflake SQL with a table referred to as {{this}}, but are unsure how to do it? Don’t worry, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Snowflake SQL and explore how to use this powerful condition to simplify your queries and get the most out of your data.

What is UNION IF EXISTS in Snowflake SQL?

Before we dive into the specifics of using UNION IF EXISTS with {{this}}, let’s quickly review what this condition does. UNION IF EXISTS is a Snowflake SQL statement that combines the result-set of two or more SELECT statements, each with its own set of conditions. The magic happens when you use the IF EXISTS clause, which allows you to specify a condition that must be met in order for the UNION operation to be performed.

SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1
UNION IF EXISTS (condition) 
SELECT column_name(s) FROM table2;

What is {{this}} in Snowflake SQL?

In Snowflake SQL, {{this}} is a special table reference that refers to the current table being operated on. It’s often used in table functions, such as MERGE and UPDATE, to refer to the table being modified. For example:

MERGE INTO mytable AS {{this}} 
USING (SELECT * FROM mytable_stg) AS src 
ON {{this}}.id = src.id 
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET {{this}}.data = src.data;

Using UNION IF EXISTS with {{this}} in Snowflake SQL

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get to the good stuff! To use UNION IF EXISTS with {{this}} in Snowflake SQL, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Identify the table you want to use as {{this}}. This should be the table that you want to perform the UNION operation on.
  2. Write your SELECT statement for the first part of the UNION operation. This should include the columns you want to select from {{this}}.
  3. Specify the UNION IF EXISTS clause, including the condition that must be met for the UNION operation to be performed.
  4. Write your second SELECT statement, which should include the columns you want to select from the second table.
  5. Use the {{this}} table reference in the ON clause to specify the join condition between the two tables.
SELECT * FROM {{this}} AS t1
UNION IF EXISTS (t1.id IN (SELECT id FROM mytable_stg)) 
SELECT * FROM mytable_stg AS t2 
ON t1.id = t2.id;

In this example, we’re using {{this}} to refer to the current table being operated on, which is then unioned with the mytable_stg table if the condition is met. The ON clause specifies the join condition between the two tables, using the id column to match rows.

Common Use Cases for UNION IF EXISTS with {{this}}

  • Data integration**: You have two tables with overlapping data, and you want to combine them into a single table while avoiding duplicates.

Tips and Tricks for Using UNION IF EXISTS with {{this}}

Scenario Query Explanation
Data integration
SELECT * FROM {{this}} AS t1
UNION IF EXISTS (t1.id IN (SELECT id FROM mytable_stg)) 
SELECT * FROM mytable_stg AS t2 
ON t1.id = t2.id;
Combine two tables with overlapping data, avoiding duplicates.
Data validation
SELECT * FROM {{this}} AS t1
UNION IF EXISTS (t1.column1 = 'value') 
SELECT * FROM mytable_stg AS t2 
ON t1.id = t2.id;
Validate data in one table against data in another table.
Data transformation
SELECT *, 'transformed' AS transformed_column FROM {{this}} AS t1
UNION IF EXISTS (t1.column1 = 'value') 
SELECT *, 'transformed' AS transformed_column FROM mytable_stg AS t2 
ON t1.id = t2.id;
Transform data from one table and combine it with data from another table.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of UNION IF EXISTS with {{this}} in Snowflake SQL. We’ve covered the basics of UNION IF EXISTS, the {{this}} table reference, and how to use them together to simplify your queries and get the most out of your data. Whether you’re integrating data, validating data, transforming data, or aggregating data, UNION IF EXISTS with {{this}} is a powerful tool to have in your Snowflake SQL toolkit.

So, what are you waiting for? Start using UNION IF EXISTS with {{this}} in your Snowflake SQL queries today and see the magic for yourself!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on using the condition union if exists with a table referred with {{this}} in Snowflake SQL!

Can I use the `UNION IF EXISTS` condition with a table referred to as `{{this}}` in Snowflake SQL?

Yes, you can! The `UNION IF EXISTS` condition allows you to combine the result of two queries, and the `{{this}}` table reference is a valid syntax in Snowflake to refer to the current table being queried. Just make sure to enclose the `{{this}}` with backticks (“) to avoid any syntax errors.

What is the syntax for using `UNION IF EXISTS` with `{{this}}` in Snowflake SQL?

The basic syntax is: `SELECT * FROM `{{this}}` UNION IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM other_table WHERE condition);`. Replace `other_table` with the name of the table you want to union with, and `condition` with the condition for which you want to apply the union.

Can I use `UNION IF EXISTS` with `{{this}}` in a Snowflake stored procedure or function?

Absolutely! You can use the `UNION IF EXISTS` condition with `{{this}}` in a Snowflake stored procedure or function. Just make sure to define the procedure or function with the correct syntax and logic for your use case.

How does Snowflake handle errors when using `UNION IF EXISTS` with `{{this}}`?

Snowflake will raise an error if the `UNION IF EXISTS` condition with `{{this}}` is used incorrectly or if the underlying tables or queries have errors. Make sure to test your queries thoroughly and handle errors according to your application’s requirements.

Are there any performance considerations when using `UNION IF EXISTS` with `{{this}}` in Snowflake?

Yes, using `UNION IF EXISTS` with `{{this}}` can impact performance, especially for large datasets. Make sure to optimize your queries, use efficient indexing, and consider using Snowflake’s query optimization features to minimize performance bottlenecks.