Selenium WebDriver’s Headless Browser: The Download Conundrum
Image by Kordelia -

Selenium WebDriver’s Headless Browser: The Download Conundrum

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering why your Selenium WebDriver’s headless browser can’t seem to download files? You’re not alone! This frustrating issue has plagued many a tester, leaving them bewildered and befuddled. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to unravel the mystery behind this pesky problem.

Why Can’t Headless Browsers Download Files?

The answer lies in the way headless browsers operate. By default, headless browsers, like Chrome or Firefox, are configured to prompt the user for download confirmation. This means that when a file is requested for download, the browser will display a dialog box asking the user if they really want to download the file. However, in a headless environment, there is no visible browser window, and consequently, no way to interact with this dialog box.

How Does This Affect Selenium WebDriver?

When you run Selenium WebDriver in headless mode, it uses a virtual display to rendering the browser. This virtual display is not capable of handling the download prompt, which causes the file download to fail. In other words, the browser is waiting for user input that never comes, resulting in a stalemate.

The Problem Deepens: No Way to Disable the Prompt

One would think that disabling the download prompt would be a straightforward solution. Alas, it’s not that simple. In headless mode, the `–disable-download-prompt` flag, which is available in non-headless mode, becomes ineffective. This means you can’t simply disable the prompt and expect the download to proceed.

A Deeper Dive into the Issue

Under the hood, the download prompt is triggered by the browser’s `beforeunload` event. When a file is requested for download, the browser fires this event, which, in turn, displays the prompt. In headless mode, Selenium WebDriver can’t intercept this event, making it impossible to disable the prompt programmatically.

The Solutions: WORKAROUNDS and Hacks

Fear not, dear reader! We’ve got some creative workarounds to help you bypass this limitation.

1. Using the `wget` Command

One way to download files in headless mode is by using the `wget` command. This approach bypasses the browser entirely, allowing you to download files without encountering the prompt. Here’s an example:

wget --header="User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0" --referer=""

Note that you’ll need to provide the necessary authentication headers and cookies to access the file.

2. Employing a Proxy Server

You can set up a proxy server, like Squid or NGINX, to handle the download request. By configuring the proxy server to bypass the prompt, you can download files without issue. Here’s an example using Squid:

squid -f /etc/squid/squid.conf

In your `squid.conf` file, add the following lines:

http_access allow all
http_prompt off

This will disable the download prompt for all requests.

3. Using a Third-Party Library

Libraries like `pycurl` or `requests` can be used to download files directly, without involving the browser. Here’s an example using `pycurl`:

import pycurl
from io import BytesIO

def download_file(url):
    buffer = BytesIO()
    c = pycurl.Curl()
    c.setopt(c.URL, url)
    c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)
    return buffer.getvalue()


Best Practices and Gotchas

Before you start implementing these workarounds, keep the following best practices and gotchas in mind:

  • Be cautious of file types: Some file types, like executables, might be blocked by the browser or operating system. Make sure you’re allowing the download of the desired file type.
  • Handle authentication and cookies: If your download URL requires authentication or specific cookies, ensure you’re providing the necessary credentials and headers.
  • Watch out for rate limiting: Be mindful of rate limiting imposed by the download server or your proxy server. You don’t want to get blocked or overwhelmed your server with requests.
  • Test and validate downloads: Verify the integrity and correctness of the downloaded file to avoid any potential issues.


Selenium WebDriver’s headless browser may not be able to download files due to the download prompt, but that doesn’t mean you’re out of options. By employing one of the workarounds or hacks mentioned above, you can successfully download files in a headless environment. Remember to follow best practices and be aware of potential gotchas to ensure a seamless experience.

Workaround Pros Cons
wget Command Easy to implement, bypasses browser Requires authentication headers and cookies, may not work with complex scenarios
Proxy Server Flexible, can handle complex scenarios Requires setup and configuration, may add overhead
Third-Party Library Lightweight, easy to use May not work with all file types, requires library dependencies

Choose the approach that best fits your needs, and happy testing!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on Selenium WebDriver’s headless browser and its downloading dilemma!

Why can’t Selenium WebDriver’s headless browser download files?

The main culprit is the browser’s inability to suppress the download prompt. Since the headless browser can’t display a prompt, it can’t download files either. It’s like trying to get a robot to nod its head – it just doesn’t work that way!

Is there a way to bypass the download prompt in Selenium WebDriver?

Unfortunately, no. The prompt is hardcoded into the browser, and there’s no way to disable it. It’s like trying to get a cat to do tricks for treats when it’s feeling lazy – it just won’t budge!

Can I use a different browser or driver to download files?

Yes, you can! Some browsers, like Firefox, offer a headless mode that allows file downloads. You can also explore other tools, like curl or wget, that can download files without a browser. It’s like having a plan B (or C, or D…)

Why did Selenium WebDriver’s headless browser change its behavior?

The change was made to improve security and prevent malicious file downloads. It’s like the browser is saying, “Hey, I don’t want to be responsible for downloading a virus or malware. You handle that, human!”

Are there any workarounds for downloading files with Selenium WebDriver?

While there’s no straightforward way, you can use some creative workarounds, like using a library or tool that can download files independently of the browser. It’s like finding a detour around a roadblock – it might take some extra effort, but you’ll get there eventually!

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