InApp Purchase Sheet Constantly Reappearing? Here’s the Solution You’ve Been Waiting For!
Image by Kordelia -

InApp Purchase Sheet Constantly Reappearing? Here’s the Solution You’ve Been Waiting For!

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Are you tired of dealing with an InApp purchase sheet that just won’t quit? You’re not alone! Many developers have struggled with this frustrating issue, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the solutions that will put an end to this pesky problem once and for all!

What’s Causing the InApp Purchase Sheet to Reappear?

Before we dive into the solutions, it’s essential to understand what’s causing this issue in the first place. There are a few common culprits behind this problem:

  • Incorrect Implementation of InApp Purchases: If your InApp purchase implementation is flawed, it can lead to the purchase sheet reappearing constantly. This might be due to issues with your StoreKit implementation, product identifiers, or payment processing.
  • Conflicting Third-Party Libraries: Sometimes, third-party libraries can interfere with your InApp purchase implementation, causing the purchase sheet to reappear. This might be due to conflicts with other libraries or frameworks that are also trying to access the StoreKit.
  • UIDelegate Issues: If your UIDelegate is not properly set up or is causing issues, it can lead to the InApp purchase sheet reappearing. This might be due to incorrect delegate methods or improper handling of purchase transactions.

Solution 1: Check Your InApp Purchase Implementation

The first step in resolving this issue is to review your InApp purchase implementation. Make sure you’re following Apple’s guidelines and best practices for implementing InApp purchases. Here are some key things to check:

  1. Product Identifiers: Ensure that your product identifiers are correctly set up in the App Store Connect and matches the ones used in your app.
  2. Payment Processing: Verify that your payment processing is correctly set up and working as expected.
  3. StoreKit Implementation: Double-check that your StoreKit implementation is correct, and you’re using the latest version of the StoreKit framework.

// Example of correctly setting up a product identifier
let productID = "com.example.product"
let product = SKProduct(identifier: productID)

// Example of correctly setting up payment processing
func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction]) {
    for transaction in transactions {
        switch transaction.transactionState {
        case .purchased:
            // Handle purchased transaction
        case .failed:
            // Handle failed transaction

Solution 2: Resolve Conflicting Third-Party Libraries

If you suspect that conflicting third-party libraries are causing the issue, try the following:

  • Check Library Versions: Ensure that all third-party libraries are up-to-date and compatible with your app’s target iOS version.
  • Review Library Implementations: Review the implementation of each third-party library to ensure they’re not interfering with your InApp purchase implementation.
  • Disable Libraries Temporarily: Temporarily disable each third-party library to see if the issue resolves. This will help you identify which library is causing the conflict.

Solution 3: Fix UIDelegate Issues

If you suspect that UIDelegate issues are causing the problem, try the following:

  • Set Up UIDelegate Correctly: Ensure that your UIDelegate is set up correctly and is properly handling purchase transactions.
  • Review Delegate Methods: Review the delegate methods to ensure they’re correctly implemented and not causing issues.
  • Verify Transaction Handling: Verify that transaction handling is correctly implemented and not causing issues.

// Example of correctly setting up UIDelegate
func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, shouldAddStorePayment payment: SKPayment, for product: SKProduct) -> Bool {
    return true

func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, didReceive response: [String : Any], completionHandler handler: @escaping ([String : Any]) -> Void) {

Solution 4: Reset the InApp Purchase Sheet

If none of the above solutions work, you can try resetting the InApp purchase sheet. This will reset the purchase sheet and remove any pending transactions:


Solution 5: Reach Out to Apple Support

If none of the above solutions work, it’s possible that the issue is related to a problem with the App Store or Apple’s servers. In this case, you may need to reach out to Apple Support for further assistance:

Contact Method Description
Phone Contact Apple Support via phone to speak with a representative directly.
Email Reach out to Apple Support via email to report the issue and receive assistance.
Developer Forums Post on the Apple Developer Forums to ask for help from other developers who may have experienced similar issues.


In conclusion, an InApp purchase sheet that constantly reappears can be frustrating, but with the right solutions, you can resolve the issue and provide a seamless experience for your users. Remember to:

  • Check your InApp purchase implementation
  • Resolve conflicting third-party libraries
  • Fix UIDelegate issues
  • Reset the InApp purchase sheet if necessary
  • Reach out to Apple Support if none of the above solutions work

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the issue and providing a smooth InApp purchase experience for your users. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck on an endless loop of in-app purchase sheets? Worry not, friend! We’ve got the answers to set you free!

Why is the in-app purchase sheet constantly reappearing?

This issue usually occurs when there’s an unfinished or failed transaction in the background. It can also be a result of a bug or glitch in the app. Try restarting your device or closing the app and reopening it to see if the issue resolves itself.

How do I stop the in-app purchase sheet from popping up again and again?

To stop the madness, try signing out of the app store on your device and then signing back in. This should clear any pending transactions and prevent the purchase sheet from reappearing.

Is there a way to cancel a stuck in-app purchase?

Yes! If you’re unable to cancel the purchase through the app, you can try going to the App Store, tapping your profile icon, and going to “Purchased” > “My Purchases” > “Report a Problem”. From there, you can select the stuck purchase and request a refund.

Will I be charged for multiple attempts of the same in-app purchase?

Don’t worry, you won’t be charged multiple times for the same purchase. The App Store’s system is designed to prevent duplicate charges for the same transaction. If you’re still concerned, you can always check your purchase history or contact Apple Support for assistance.

Is there a way to disable in-app purchases altogether?

Yes! If you’re finding it difficult to resist the temptation of in-app purchases or if you’re a parent looking to restrict access, you can enable Restrictions on your device. Go to Settings > General > Restrictions, and toggle off “In-App Purchases” to disable them entirely.

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